Time for writing on my blog is taken from that all too precious "free time". Oh where have you gone!? Ha! These days I am a work at home mom with a 1 and 3 year old. Time has flown by. Every day is like baby wack-a-mole and I go from diaper to potty to bottle to crying to spills to snuggles and around again. It's crazy! Even crazier is we're thinking about baby # 3! I must be insane.
But life is good despite stress and busyness and doctor visits. I wanted to write a post to fill in my last several months and kick off a renewed determination to write more regularly. Time to dust off the Bright Side blog and get back in touch with readers. Emails I receive that thank me for my positive take on life with IBD, remind me that people struggle to find an encouraging and optimistic voice when dealing with this disease. So, what's new!?