Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Crohn's Disease

Dear Crohn's Disease,

You suck. And I mean that in the strongest sense of the word. You're painful, gross and embarrassing. If that wasn't bad enough, you're also incurable and difficult to treat. No one likes you. Really. Despite all that, you decided to take up residence in my beleaguered abdomen. Sometimes I look down at myself and imagine I can see you lurking around with shifty eyes, working your evil schemes. Sometimes when I'm alone and overwhelmed, I wonder 'why me?' and the tears come.

However, here's the thing, something you don't know. I have this amazing gift- life. It's precious beyond measure and I only get one. I have no idea how long or short my life will be. Where it will take me, or what's in store for me. But I do know that I have this life. It's mine, not yours. So guess what? I'm not afraid of you. I'm not your victim. I'm not at your mercy. I have this life, that is more valuable than anything, and I'm not going to waste it. You, as challenging and difficult as you are, cannot stop me from living my life to the best of my ability. Maybe you might slow me down, or affect my options and choices, but I am still going to live my life as fully as I can. I'm going to face you head on, deal with your schemes, and move forward. You will not be a shadow over my life. I have a choice, and I will always choose to live my life on the bright side; with hope, family, friends, love, joy and compassion. As long as I have those, you are powerless, and I am free.


  1. Hi there,

    Great post and nice blog. I too have Crohn's, I was diagnosed about 6 years ago, there have been many ups and downs.

    All the best

  2. Preach it GIRL! YOU ROCK!!!! AMEN to this!!

  3. Thank you both! Good luck Chirundu, stick around... there are lots of fellow Crohn's bloggers in this neighbourhood. :)

  4. I know this is an old post, however I'm finding your blog really interesting and can't stop reading! I haven't long had Crohn's... well, been aware that I've had it and this post is bang on how I feel at times. Hoping it'll get better with time.

  5. I hope so too. Hang on and make sure you get a proactive, pit-bull doctor. :)

  6. Thank you for this and for your positive outlook in general! I've got Crohn's as well and am doing the difficult juggle between specialists and doctors, looking for a treatment that works. It's easy to let it get to me, so I'm inspired by your refusal to let it run your life!

  7. Well said. I think most of us feel this way. Was diagnosed with colitis in 1994 and re diagnosed with crohns in 2001. It has been a long road with many doctors, millions of drugs and lots of tears. All you can do is get up every day and say, I will not let this control me! I just discovered your blog and I love it. Keep up the great work of encouraging words. It is refreshing. Thank you.

  8. Thank you! This is my small way of trying to help others and myself!

  9. lorna.jamisonnash2@gmail.comJanuary 25, 2015 at 3:08 PM

    Thank you! You rock - I am still fighting 35 years later and get despondent! Reading this, as Josh Groban so aptly puts it - " You lift me Up"

  10. Thank you for the post. Really inspiring. However I refuse to accept that Crohn is incurable. Also it may not be autoimmune at all. Something in our dietary habit probably screwed us. Anyway thanks again for the post.
